Electrom LEV assembly time-lapse video
I recently completed the assembly of the first Electrom for a customer. Check out the time-lapse video of the assembly process.

I recently completed the assembly of the first Electrom for a customer. Check out the time-lapse video of the assembly process.
We are just completing the first run of production bikes and it has been a real learning experience! The molded Carbon Fiber parts have turned out to take much more time than is realistic for the price at which we would like to sell the Electrom, so we are looking at which parts absolutely must be made in this way, and which could be produced more economically with other methods. We will revise our offerings and produce another run of Electrom in the fall of 2021.
Currently the hand-made carbon parts include the Tailbox and hatch, the Footwell, Bubble Support, Swingarm covers, Fenders and Pedalling Station Cowling. The reality is that only the Tailbox and Footwells truly need the strength and weight savings that custom molded carbon fiber offers.
In the meantime, our first two lucky buyers will get to start riding their new Electroms in the next month.
The Tailboxes
All of the body parts
Check out the new option for the Electrom. All Wheel Drive.
Work is progressing on the first two production Electroms for customers and all of the body parts have been finalized and mounted on the test bike (which now has over 7,000 KM on it).
The new Carbon Fiber Bubble support is a highlight. It looks pretty cool, and has better rain coverage.
Also, we’ve moved to a slightly shallower depth-of-blow on the poly-carbonate bubble, which gives the bike more of the look of a shark, and less a Beluga whale. Interestingly, the new front end seems to be a bit more aerodynamic as we are getting better distance-per-watt numbers.
Also new are the carbon fiber pedaling-station cowling and the carbon fiber fenders.
A short video detailing the new Molded Carbon Fiber Electrom body parts.
The Electrom has a few advantages when it comes to riding on bike paths. The fast acceleration allows for quick passes, and the skinny profile of the Electrom makes sharing narrow bike paths easier.
Check out this clip from the Vancovuer Seawall.
A video detailing a 210 kilometer trip on the Electrom from Royston BC to Victoria BC.
Hello Electrom supporters, the day has finally come. We have a vehicle we are happy with, the testing is done, and we are ready to move to production of the Electrom.
In the next few days we will be contacting the Beta Test Backers and offering them the right-of-first refusal on their waitlist spot. As you may remember, the Beta Test Backers have the opportunity to claim one of the first five Electroms made.
After the Beta Test Electroms have been on the road for a few months we will collect feedback and, if needed, make adjustments. We will then take deposits and make the next round of bikes for the Platinum Backers, then the Gold Backers, and so forth. The hope is to have the Beta Test bikes in the hands of the new owners by the spring of 2021, but delivery may take place earlier.
The cost of this first run of Electroms will be $7100 USD. This is the price for a full kit*, without battery. The cost for one 72 volt, 20 amp-hour battery is approximately $800 USD. The Electrom has room for two of these batteries in the main fuselage, giving it a range of 60-100 km per battery depending on speed and terrain.
In order to move from the waitlist to the production queue, backers will need to place a 50% deposit. As we move through the production waitlist we will contact you to let you know when we will be able to accept your deposit.
Next week we will be sending out a link to a walk-through video of the new Electrom. Hopefully the video will answer any questions you may have about the Electrom and its specifications, but if not you can always e-mail follow-up questions.
*A full Electrom kit includes frame, fork all components, front fairing and rear tailbox. It is the whole bike except for the batteries.
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