I’ve been putting as many test miles onto the new Electrom 1 frame as I can lately. My goal is to get the first frame up to at least 5000 KM of testing in time to make the next set of frames for our Beta backers.

Here’s a quick bit of video I shot while doing early morning speed runs. There’s even a short bit of off-road at the end–It must be pointed out that a long-wheelbase-recumbent-position vehicle like the Electrom is not ideal for off-roading–but I was pleasantly surprised by how well it handled. The 2.75 inch tires and 4 inches of front and rear suspension definitely help a lot.

I should also point out that I shot most of this footage at 5:30 AM when there were very few people about and pre-rode the narrow sections to make sure they were clear before running at higher speeds.
