Electrom Update August 22, 2018
Hi Electrom Supporters
As most of you probably know, we’ve surpassed our funding target and then some. This will allow the Electrom project to move forward and soon we will be able to present the Electrom 1 Production Sample.
There’s a lot to do in the creation of a new vehicle type, but we are well on our way. Over the past two weeks we have been busy researching and placing orders for component samples.
One of the selections made recently was the choice of hub motor. A sample set of Golden Motor Compny Magic Pie II 20 inch wheel-motors (front and rear) has been ordered and will arrive shortly. The Magic Pie II motors met the criteria for weight, torque per Watt, and dependability. One of the best reasons for picking this motor is that the supplier is Canadian based, and has a great track record. Check them out here. The Magic Pie uses a 273 mm stator motor, designed to offer a high torque-per-Watt ration in a direct drive motor.
Over the next few weeks we’ll bolt these motors onto the test bike and thoroughly explore their performance and reliability.
Stay tuned for many updates to follow.
Fabrizio Cross
Electrom LEV